Title: I Met a Boy Who Sang the Blues... Fandom: StarTrek XI Pairing: Jim Kirk/Leonard McCoy Rating: PG Word Count: 733 Disclaimer: I write fanfiction of JJ Abrams fanfiction of Gene's universe. Author's Notes: written for
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Title: 'Medical Leave' Fandom: Startrek XI Pairing: Spock/Kirk Rating: NC-17 Word Count: ~2500 Disclaimer: I write fanfiction based on JJ'sAbrams' fanfiction of Gene's Star Trek. So basically... Paramount owns everything. Author's Notes: written for annenberg for
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Title: Bouquet Fandom: Star Trek XI Pairing: Kirk/Bones Rating: PGish Word Count: 1341 Prompt: Proposal (19) As Captain of the Enterprise, Jim officiates a wedding. During the reception, McCoy comes up to him and says, "The next wedding you're going to is ours." (Could lend itself well to a 5 times fic.) at
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